“Trilobite” bracelet with “Shevchenko” clip
The main object of the clip is the image of Taras Shevchenko. On the clip he is depicted holding a gun, which symbolizes the readiness to fight for freedom and independence. Shevchenko’s famous leitmotif – “Fight – you will overcome!” – is engraved on the background, giving this product an even greater patriotic spirit.
Браслет «Трилобіт» з кліпсою «Шевченко» та патріотичними вставками з обплетенням з мікрокорду
“Trilobite” bracelet with “Shevchenko” clip and patriotic microcord braided inserts
my Ukrainian code of arms bracelet made by Lemberg Paracord
Click on images to enlarge

The trident clip made out of Italian bronze is a symbol of the Ukrainian people is filled with deep meaning and symbolism. It embodies national pride, identity, and an important part of Ukrainian culture and history.
my Goat head bracelet made by Lemberg paracord

viking warrior
The image of a Viking warrior on the bead reflects courage, bravery and determination. Vikings were known for their indomitability and adventurous spirit. This bead gives its wearer a symbolic connection to Viking qualities

goat's head
The goat’s head in this context is not only an aesthetic element, but also a symbol of dignity, strength and natural wisdom. In mythology, the goat is associated with many cultures, acting as a symbol of faith, vitality and fertility.